Thursday, March 4, 2010


Wikipedia says,” An emoticon is a textual expression representing the face of a writer's mood or facial expression.”

Isn’t that true?

There was a time when I didn’t know what emoticons are. I only knew about one emoticon “smiley” which I didn’t use very often.

One of my friends used emoticons in every email and sms that she sent. Every message of hers would make me smile because of the use of different emoticons. That was the reason I became addicted to emoticons.

In Every sms, every email (to friends), every online chat, I use emoticons. After every sentence, I put an emoticon instead of “full stop”. It’s almost impossible for me to stop using emoticons. It’s like one of the punctuation marks without which a sentence seems incomplete; infact a message seems incomplete.

Without emoticons, the conversation doesn’t convey the writer’s feelings to the reader.

But at times, aren’t these false faces? Isn’t it like wearing a mask? Hiding your true emotions?

There are times when I am sad but I don’t want to convey the same to the reader, so I use a smiley icon instead of the sad one. A person could possibly hide his true feelings by using emoticons.

Isn’t it deceptive?

Or maybe it’s just a kind of non-verbal communication that adds glitter to the message and richness of meaning that cannot be communicated verbally.

It’s just the way one feels when words alone just aren't enough.

You say it best …When you say Nothing at all ;) <3 ;)

1 comment:

  1. now now! What did the :) <3 ;) mean? :O

    Good Post :)
